
Alec Marsh with Paul Blezard

Ernest Drabble, a Cambridge historian and mountaineer, travels to rural Devon to inspect the decapitated head of Oliver Cromwell - a macabre artefact owned by Dr Wilkinson. Drabble only tells one person of his plans - Harris, an old school friend and reporter. On the train there, Drabble narrowly avoids being murdered, only to reach his destination and find Dr Wilkinson has been killed. Gripped in Wilkinson's hand is a telegram from Winston Churchill instructing him to bring the head of Oliver Cromwell to London. 

Not for nothing did Alexander McCall Smith write 'An immensely readable treat!’ about this first book in a light-hearted historical adventure series set during the mid-twentieth century. Tune in for more of Alec Marsh’s imagination, straight from the author’s mouth!